One step before crossing the Italian border: meet Menton, the “pearl of France”
Bordering Italy from the west, lies Menton – the city of lemons.
Once part of the Principality of Monaco, this city has strong Italian influence which you can feel in prices, spoken language and food preferences.
One of the advantage of the Italien culture and population is the relatively cheap prices of food and some fashion goods.
Menton, aka “the pearl of France”, has a generous coastline and a picturesque old town above it.
It is mainly calm and quiet city, even during the high season – except when the Lemon Festival takes place in the heart of the city.

This joyful time of the year between February and March is a pleasure for all ages. All are gathering to see the creative costume parade, the statues made from hundreds of thousands of… lemons!
Prepare your wallets (20 Euros per person), because it is definitely worth it.
Arrival to Menton is easy with a train from any SNCF station along the region.

More information about the 2021 lemon festival in the link: https://www.fete-du-citron.com/?lang=en