Monaco may be small, but it holds more than meets the eye. Here are some facts about it that will blow your mind!
# facts you didn’t know about Monaco
Monaco may look ordinary or even boring for those who dont look carefully at its details. As history is long and interesting, the details are what’s making it so intriguing.
Here are some of the most interesting and helpful facts about it:
1. The Monte-Carlo casino was not successful at first. It took some years and relocalisations to fit the visitors standards.
2. Monaco is a principality and city-state that doesn’t have a capital.
3. Unlike the common belief, Monte-Carlo is not Monaco’s capital, but an quarter. It is named after Prince Charles of Monaco, hence Monte-Carlo = “Mount-Charles” in free translation.

4. Monaco consists more than 30 public elevators that makes it easy on pedestrians to walk on its steep terrain.
5. Monaco’s real estate prices are one of the most expensive in the world, with squared meter of land selling for between 50K-100K Euros.
6. Monaco has the highest GDP in the world.
7. Many of Monaco’s citizens (natives) are living in subsidized apartments since it condos are too expensive to buy.

8. Monaco is not a part of the European Union and it is counted as french in terms of VAT. This is despite of it being an independent country.
9. Monaco has its own police force, but relies on the french army in case of war.
10. Monaco is older than France by almost 500 years.
11. It is forbidden to take video shots with a drone without a special permission.

12. Hundreds of years ago, Monaco was 80% bigger than it is today, stretchering all the way to where the border is with Italy today.
13. Monaco is the 2nd most smallest city on the planet after the Vatican.
14. Monaco Beach resort is located meters away outside of the principality. So is its country club, tennis court and golf club.
15. In Monaco, crime barely existes, and 1 resident out of 3 is a millionaire.

16. Monaco’s jail hosts around 20 prisoners, who have rooms with windows to the sea. Most of them are there for money-laundry and financial scams.
17. The Fontvieille quartier and its port (the 2nd in marina of Monaco) are built on an artificial land that was dried from the sea. So will be the future Quartier du Portier, just under the casino.
18. It is forbidden for Monaco citizens to work or gamble in the casino.

19. One of the conditions of being eligible of residency is a deposit of 500K-1M (depends on the bank) Euros in the bank account.
20. All Residents of Monaco pay 0 income tax, except from French who choose to live there.
21. Monaco’s government offers private villas for rent-the cost could reach to 200,000 Euros a month. This is under condition of a minimum 1 year contract.

# facts you didn’t know about Monaco # facts you didn’t know about Monaco