The village of Èze invites you to a walk in time 500m above sea level
On a 427 meter-high cliff, only 12 kilometers away from Nice, lies the ancient village of Èze.
Throughout its history, it was often called “the eagle’s nest” because of it being a great vantage point overlooking the Mediterranean sea.
The village begins its story at 2,000 BC and started its french roots in 1860.
As a commune today, the municipality of Èze is stretching from the beach area all the way up. But it is really the village that has all the attractions.

The economy of this village is based on tourism, which fits perfectly to its niche charterer. It is known for its narrow corridors that are an inspiration for travelers and the artists that sell goods who have their own unique approach.
At the top of the hill lies the ruins of the Château d’Èze (fortress of Èze) that is now a botanic garden.

Definitely worth a visit are the Château Eza and Château de la Chèvre d’Or hotels. Both providing a special experience and high standards of hospitality, alongside with breathtaking view from their terraces.
Èze is also known for its fragrance factories branches: Fragonard and Galimard. They both offer guided tours inside the factory, ready-to-use products and tailor-made parfum based on clients preferences.
Access to the village is possible with public transport:
By Bus:
From Nice: Bus line No. 82
From Monaco: Bus line No. 112
Notice: bus line to this location are not very frequent.
By train:
From Nice/Monaco directions: arrival to Èze -sur-mer (“on the sea”) and then going up the village with bus line No. 83.
Notice: bus line to this location are not very frequent.